Frank Noneman stands alone with his children Julie, Joanna and Moira, and Dawn Brant comes down from Templeton to take care of his children.
Frank Noneman marries Frank Noneman
Dawn Noneman gives birth tp Melanie Noneman.
Dawn Noneman gives birth tp Frank Noneman.
Micheal Warren marries Julie Noneman.
Asure his mother is dead, Sir William asks Theresa (Reise) Owens and her children Frederic and Katie, and Steve and Dawn (Brant) Noneman and their children Melanie and Frank, if they can take the dead body of Lady Rebecca of Wondon to The Temple Ruin and hide there with Emma Valdor and Herry Furlow.
Melanie Noneman comes to live with them at The Witch Cottage. Together, Nancy Meligan and Melanie Noneman takes care of the wounds of Sir William of Wondon and Nicolas Meligan.
Sir William appoints Nicolas Meligan as his captain.
Melanie Noneman starts as a logger.
Melanie Noneman starts as a logger.
Sir William of Wondon tels them, that a wicked witch has been seen at The Old Witch, and he's now out to give the little witch chase.
Melanie Noneman, who juse to have a cross on Nicolas Meligan, asks what a goosehunt, my sister, Julie Warren, has send you out on?
Sir William of Wondon replies, the witch is good enough. I've seen the proof of her myself, but I take it, you haven't seen her?
No, we haven't seen her, replies Melanie Noneman, but send my greetes to Nicolas Meligan. He's probably still a hug.
Sir William of Wondon proudly sais, he's on witch hunting again, and he make Melanie Noneman promise to go to the castle, and ask, if there is anyting, she can help Lady Stefani of Wondon with, because she's probably angry at him. And she promises to go tomorrow.
Dawn Noneman offers Sir William of Wondon to stay to rest at the camp tonight, but he clames, it's best to catch witchees at the dark, and hope, it's true in this case.
At dusk, Sir William of Wondon contiues his hunt in to the forest.